2012年INFOFISH鮪魚年會暨博覽會盛大召開INFOFISH第12屆世界鮪魚貿易會議暨博覽會,於2012年5月23至25日假泰國曼谷盛大舉行,由泰國農業合作部Theera Wongsamut部長及馬爾地夫農漁部Ahmed Shafeeu部長邀集逾60多國相關產業重量級代表、國際性及區域性漁業組織、非政府組織及環保團體共襄盛舉。擔任會議主席的美國星琪(Starkist)會長兼總裁In-Soo Cho,於開幕式中發表全球鮪漁業現今面臨的機會、挑戰及前景的演說,並肯定新興經濟體利於市場成長。年會召開期間,約有36件內容囊括全球、不同行業與區域;竿釣及非人工集魚器作業漁術後面膜法;全球與區域的貿易及市場;永續、環境、生態標籤與最新科技發展等評論報告發表。計有多達27家積極向各國鮪漁業代表推廣多樣化產品及服務的廠商及組織參展。會議開幕期間,特別針對致力推動永續管理的區域性漁業管理組織(RFMOs)現行管理措施實行成效進行檢討;在產業及區域會議中討論諾魯協議國(PNA)決議善用鮪魚資源創造工作機會及經濟發展的可能性;泰國則分享產業面臨哪些重大挑戰,及如何維持現今最大的鮪罐製造商及出口商地位不墜。面臨生鮮原料價格及工資飆漲,泰國鮪罐業未來將轉向多樣化經營出口市場及大量進口已烹調票貼過的鮪魚精肉。會中也針對如竿釣、不使用人工集魚器的圍網等不同作業漁法進行討論,並選出何為最無害及符合成本效益的永續性作業漁法。至於鮪魚市場方面:美國市場鮪罐量減少,售價卻攀高;加拿大市場認為民眾消費習慣已有改變,市面上也有越來越多標示附加價值的自有產品推出;歐洲鮪魚市場現在尚未受到歐元區債信危機拖累;經濟持續成長的拉丁美洲鮪魚市場前景大好;儘管阿拉伯世界政治動盪不安,亞洲的中東市場亦持續成長。會議最後一天,大會就鮪漁業多項生態標籤計畫及最新技術進行討論;世界衛生組織(WTO)近日裁定美國海房屋二胎豚安全標章爭端案亦於會中引發爭論。欲索取完整會議紀錄請逕洽INFOFISH。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 10/2012,1 June 2012) TUNA INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES FROM OVER 60 COUNTRIES ATTENDED TUNA2012TUNA 2012, the 12th INFOFISH World Tuna Trade Conference & Exhibition, held from 23-25 May,in Bangkok , Thailand , was attended by major industry representatives worldwide, international andregional fisheries organizations, NGOs and green groups from over 60 countries. The event wasofficiated 找房子by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives of Thailand, His ExcellencyTheera Wongsamut and His Excellency Ahmed Shafeeu, the Honourable Minister of Fisheries andAgriculture, Maldives. The keynote speech given by the Conference Chairman, In-Soo Cho, President& CEO of Starkist Co, USA highlighted the opportunities and challenges the global tuna industry isfacing and what to expect in future. He also said that the emerging economies offer opportunity formarket growth. 襯衫Some thirty six papers covering global, sectoral and regional reviews; pole and lineand non-FAD tuna fishing; global and regional trade and markets; sustainability, environment and ecolabelling; and technological development were presented during the conference. The accompanyingtrade exhibition featured 27 companies and organisations providing various products and services tothe tuna industry.The opening session reviewed the management measures that are being implemented by the 酒店打工RegionalFisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) who are looking for better conservation measures toachieve sustainability. Meanwhile, the Parties to Nauru Agreement (PNA) is determined to maximizethe benefits from their tuna resources as a source of employment and economic development whichwas discussed during the sectoral and regional reviews. The presentation from Thailand, on the otherhand talked about the great challenges the industry is facing and on how to maintain their 有巢氏房屋currentstatus as the largest canned tuna producer and exporter. With skyrocketing raw material price andincreasing labour cost, Thai tuna packers will continue to diversify its export markets and import morepre-cooked tuna loins in future. Discussion was also held for different fishing methods including pole& line and FAD-free purse seining to determine which fishing technique is the least harmful and costeffective while promoting sustainability.An overview of tuna markets followed. 房屋買賣Although down in quantity terms, sales value of canned tunaincreased in the US market. The Canadian market saw significant changes in demographic aspectsaffecting consumption and there is an increasing number of private labels focusing on value addedproducts. In Europe, the tuna market has so far been unaffected by the current Eurozone crisis; greateropportunities are seen for the tuna markets in the growing Latin American economies. In Asia, theMiddle East markets have posted 賣屋positive growths despite the on going political uprising in the Arabworld. The last day of the conference discussed overviews of the various eco-labelling schemes andrecent technologies in the tuna industry. The dolphin safe label in the US related to the recent WTOdecision on the matter was also debated. Full Conference Proceedings (presentations) is available onCD; contact INFOFISH for more details.

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